How did the tradition of Afternoon Tea come about in England?

Chá das cinco, de David Comba Adamson

The five o'clock tea is attribuited to the Duchess of Bedford, an influential woman in 19th century English society. in 19th century English society.

One of England's most famous cultural habits is the wonderful Five o'clock tea. Also, it refers to a late afternoon snack break before dinner, and is both a simple and elegant event that seeks to encourage social interaction.

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Understanding more about the historical aspects

The tradition started among the nobility, by Anna Maria Russell, Duchess of Belfort, in the 19th century. Tea was traditionally served with milk, and sweets such as bread and cookies to accompany the snack.

Soon this custom became more popular and many people joined in, thus becoming one of the best known English traditions. The British also have the habit of drinking English tea, which can be made from various recipes at any time of the day.

Chá das cinco

Learn how to prepare it at home

You can prepare your favorite ingredients to make your afternoon tea and surprise your friends and guests with delicious flavors. Therefore, the tip is to prepare a selection of flavors and make several options available to those who attend your event.

If you want to make it even more similar to the traditions of the country of origin, you can include the famous English breakfast, Earl Gray and Darjeeling, variations of the classic black tea. When preparing your drink, pay attention to the specific preparation time for each tea.

You can prepare your table with hot water, tea, fruit juices, lemon slices to add to drinks, cakes, scones, cookies, hot chocolate, pies, and other options. For decoration, it's worth choosing a beautiful set of cups and utensils to match the occasion.

There are some types of this drink that can be part of your afternoon tea. Just as our coffee recipes vary, the tea options are numerous. Since its origins, several ways of preparing this drink have emerged, which influence the resulting flavor. In addition to the drink prepared from camélia sinensis, There are also tisanas, made with various parts of the plant.

Among its benefits The most common are improving brain function, calming the mind, improving sleep quality, helping to reduce blood cholesterol and increasing the production of serotonin and dopamine due to a substance called L-teanina.

They also help control blood pressure, reducing the risk of various diseases and the chances of heart problems. Some types are also effective in the weight loss process.


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